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Featured Books

Featured Works

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We Rise in Power

signed copy (limited edition)

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Moms Who BossUp

Successful Moms Who Pivoted To Success In The Face Of Uncertainty (Women Who BossUp) 

Featured Works

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Counsellor 'Know Thyself'

Growing Ourselves, Shaping Our Professional Practice, and Enhancing Education Through Reflective Practice

by  Gina Wong-Wylie 

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Mothering in East Asian Communities

Politics and Practices

by  Gina Wong-Wylie 

Courses offered:

Advanced Training in Maternal Mental Health Forensics and Courtroom Testimony


Advanced Issues in Maternal Mental Health Forensics


Role of the Expert Witness in Establishing the Relationship Between Maternal Mental Illness & Criminally Charged Behaviour


Basic Diagnosis and Assessment of Maternal Mental Illness in the Forensic Arena

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